Lois Sherr Dubin | More...


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Lois Sherr Dubin with noted bead researcher, Jamey Allen.

An author and museum curator, Dubin has curated numerous exhibitions and written many books on adornment. Her lifelong love of beads and years spent researching their origins and meanings led to her best-selling book, The History of Beads: 30,000 BC to the Present (Abrams, 1987) reissued and updated as The History of Beads: 100,000 BC to the Present (Abrams, 2009).

Learn more about her by clicking the links below.

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Lois Sherr Dubin with noted bead researcher, Jamey Allen.

An author and museum curator, Dubin has curated numerous exhibitions and written many books on adornment. Her lifelong love of beads and years spent researching their origins and meanings led to her best-selling book, The History of Beads: 30,000 BC to the Present (Abrams, 1987) reissued and updated as The History of Beads: 100,000 BC to the Present (Abrams, 2009).

Learn more about her by clicking the links below.